Outdoors at Lynton Childcare

Play area, Cosy Cabin, Pets Corner & much more

Outdoor Play & Learning

We are a very outdoorsy setting! At the rear of the property is a large enclosed garden with a separate paved area. A section of the outdoor space focuses on the natural environment and physical play, we call this our 'Adventure Play Area'. Our enchanted 'Willow Woods' fairy garden can be found here too, along with 'The Gruffalo' story walk! Children spend extended amounts of time in our outdoor space. Whether they are creating concoctions at our mud kitchen using our freshly grown herbs or peeking under logs in our fairy garden to locate any minibeast friends.

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outdoor play in Barwell
Outdoor learning in Barwell

Outdoor Classrooms

We have two outdoor classrooms… 'The Cosy Cabin' and our adventure play 'Pavillion'. We also have a large shelter canopy on the patio area.

Outdoors children have a variety of things to choose from... Scooters, trikes, coupe cars, Playhouse, basketball, Muddy kitchen, Large sand pit, Water play, Adventure play area / park, Log seats, Mirrors, Mark making, Weaving, Planting, Digging and a separate growing area for fruit and vegetables.

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Pets Therapy Corner

We have our very own small pets enclosure at Lynton where our resident rabbits live, Tilly and Fudge. This is a secure ‘walk-in’ enclosure where children can spend some time sitting on the cushions, in anticipation for the pets to come and see them. The children have the opportunity to learn about caring for a pet, have real-life experiences with animals and have that hands-on knowledge and understanding about animals. This is a naturally calming space at Lynton and contributes to the well-being of our children.

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Pets Corner